
The chippies

Once again it was a chipmunk feeding frenzy at my parents' place yesterday. It was so much fun feeding this little bugger. Kim took the photos and if she wasn't getting the right shots I would put him back on the ground and make him jump back into my hand. He didn't seem to care one bit as long as he got his peanuts.


  1. Too cute!

    Thanks for making my Monday morning :)

  2. cheeky chippie :)
    amazing pics.. its so nice to see interactions with little creatures x

  3. I am obsessed with feeding the little guys. It is so much fun to see what you can get them to do...

  4. aww!! there was one of these little guys living under my back doorstep when I was little, he was like a member of the family! My Dad still lives here and believe it or not so does the chipmunk!! Well, maybe his great great grandson or something!!
    Love his stuffed cheeks!

  5. I can't believe how many they can stuff in their cheeks. Talented little guys!

  6. He is sooo cute. Im assuming its a he....hmmmm best leave that one alone. Thanks again for the interesting read.

  7. LOL!!! When I wrote the post and kept using 'he' I was going to put something about how that was a big assumption....



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