
Play kitchens


  1. the 1st and the 2nd are my favs!

    best wishes from kiel :)

  2. so nice that you like my daugthers outdoor-kitchen!!

    best wishes from beate

  3. Hi Merle and best wishes to you too!

    Beate - your daughter's outdoor kitchen is fantastic and I love your blog!

  4. Eeek!!! I'd love if my REAL kitchen looked as fab as some of these let alone a toy one!!

  5. Wow, I think I can take some ideas from your pics to make my little kitchen's!!!!

  6. These are SO cool!! I want one! :P

  7. Isabella has one but it's a plastic, flashy Dora one. It's home is in the basement storage room...

  8. I love, love these kitchens. I debated getting the one from Ikea for Gabe's birthday but we just don't have room. (1300 sq. ft. 3 bedroom in which one is the office AND we've lived here for 15 years so imagine how much crap is in here despite us being decent about getting rid of stuff. Yikes!)

  9. I wish I would have gotten that Ikea one for Isabella/Simon. I would have found the space for it, it's so darn cute. I'm having problems not cluttering up 1867 sq ft...1300 sq ft would be mucho hard.

  10. Yeah, you should see the bookshelves in this place. YIKES!!!

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