
Cottage vacay

We spent a couple days at my sister's cottage this week because we all desperately needed a vacation, even if for a couple days. The weather was fantastic and the kids had a blast. Thanks Jen and Dave!

had to put a caption on this photo - Simon is asleep here in the paddle boat!


  1. Thanks for posting these. It looks like you had a great time! All the kids are sooooo good looking!!!!

  2. Looks like you had the most fabulous time together. Love all the happy family snaps!

  3. Thanks Socko and RD! We had alot of fun and I hope we can plan many more cottage trips for next summer.

  4. I had to keep looking to see if that was Isabella!!! She looks so grownup in those pictures from the back! Yikes.

    That last picture of the baby (who is getting to be not such a baby) is precious. (And not in the creepy Lord of the Rings way either.)
