
boys' rooms


  1. Hi Julia,
    I found your blog some time ago and want to say thanks for a great source of inspiration! Also, all the best to Pablo and you all, his brain tumor and health concerns are tough on you all, I'm sure. I lost my 7-year old nephew to a brain tumor just over a year ago. :-(

    Anyway, thanks for the interior design pictures, it's nice to see a lot of Scandinavian design in your blog. I'm Scandinavian and live in London with my family.

    Have a great spring!

  2. Hi Paula! Thanks for the kind words! I am totally in love with scandinavian design. The creativity, fun and warmth it exudes...

    It brought tears to my eyes when I read that your 7 year old nephew died of a brain tumour. My deepest sympathies to you and your family.

    All the best to you and your family and you have a great spring too in London! Thanks for taking the time to comment. :)

  3. Hey Mrs Julia,
    I have a quick question. Is there any way you could tell me the color of the paint on the walls in the last picture labeled " Dekio". I am looking at doing my room that way and just need the color of that paint.

    1. Not sure what they used but one colour that came to mind that might be close is Farrow and Ball's Mouse's Back (http://us.farrow-ball.com/mouse's-back/colours/farrow-ball/fcp-product/100040). My sister recently used it in her bedroom and it's gorgeous!: https://www.instagram.com/p/_QBe4erPDj/?taken-by=kim_dti



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