
Books for the boo

When I was in Vegas, I bought a couple books for Isabella. They are a great read and fast became our favourites.


  1. My four year old niece loves Charlie and
    Lola. They are such sweet books!

  2. My girls love Charlie & Lola. The tv show and DVD's are good too.

  3. I can't believe I've never heard of Charlie & Lola before! I've never seen the tv show here in Canada and I have yet to see the books here either. What I wouldn't give to have an FAO Schwarz here!!! Maybe I'll have to do a little online shopping and see what I can find...

  4. I daily read "I am not sleepy" for my baby, she loves this, Specially the Lola character, Julia you can create a Wikipedia page for your blog by this you will get more visitors you can earn more



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