And it was a really good one! YIPPEE! Here are some excerpts from it:
From 'Personal & Social Development':
"Isabella can maintain attention and focus in most class activities. She follows instructions and successfully completes tasks. She often displays self-reliance and interacts cooperatively with others."
From 'French as a Second Language':
"Isabella contributes to many French routine activities and enjoys singing familiar songs. She pronounces vocabulary well and displays an interest in alphabet activities."
From 'Mathematics':
"Isabella enjoys daily math activities and shows a good grasp of concepts presented. She identifies and orders numbers to 5 and can represent small sets of objects. She names and sorts basic 2D shapes and can identify, extend and create simple patterns."
General Comments:
"Isabella is a polite and responsible learner who has adjusted well to the routines and challenges of the JK program. She enjoys sharing her knowledge and ideas during lessons and discussions and puts forth good effort in tasks. She enjoys her busy days working at activity centers and interacting with friends. She approaches many learning experiences with enthusiasm and confidence."
We are just thrilled. Parent/teacher interviews are this coming Wednesday night...
From 'Personal & Social Development':
"Isabella can maintain attention and focus in most class activities. She follows instructions and successfully completes tasks. She often displays self-reliance and interacts cooperatively with others."
From 'French as a Second Language':
"Isabella contributes to many French routine activities and enjoys singing familiar songs. She pronounces vocabulary well and displays an interest in alphabet activities."
From 'Mathematics':
"Isabella enjoys daily math activities and shows a good grasp of concepts presented. She identifies and orders numbers to 5 and can represent small sets of objects. She names and sorts basic 2D shapes and can identify, extend and create simple patterns."
General Comments:
"Isabella is a polite and responsible learner who has adjusted well to the routines and challenges of the JK program. She enjoys sharing her knowledge and ideas during lessons and discussions and puts forth good effort in tasks. She enjoys her busy days working at activity centers and interacting with friends. She approaches many learning experiences with enthusiasm and confidence."
We are just thrilled. Parent/teacher interviews are this coming Wednesday night...

OF COURSE Isabella got a great report card. She comes from a family of smarty pants. :-)
ReplyDeleteyeah my side,
nah, both sides for sure,
Those are great comments! But, of course that's what I was expecting too. ;-D
ReplyDeleteGee thanks! I hope these kinds of comments continue at our meeting with the teacher Wednesday.