
My new glasses and Simon's updated mohawk

I got my new glasses and sunglasses a couple weeks ago but kept forgetting to take photos. Simon also got the sides of his head shaved and he wanted his picture taken so voila:

simon decided to start chewing my shirt

more chewing of my shirt

thinking about chewing my shirt

chewing some more

the face goes with the hair


  1. Loooove them! I just bought myself another pair. Turns out I'm not a minimalist, after all. haha

  2. Thanks dude! I wish I could afford another pair! - it would be nice to have options since they are on my face everyday. And minimalist schminimalist...LOL! If only I could have as many glasses as I have shoes!

  3. Your glasses RULE! and so does the mohawk.

  4. You look fabulous! Those glasses are really fun. As is Simon's hair!



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