I've delayed writing this post because we've been waiting for results/answers to all Pablo's latest medical issues, ie. seizures, back cyst, etc. but it has been annoyingly slow even trying to get appointments with the various doctors.
Pablo hasn't been able to drive for the last couple of weeks and that has been hard on us since I've had to take time off work to help get Pablo to his appointments. Thankfully my parents have been helping out alot with watching the kids and helping to drive Pablo around. Not sure when he'll get his license back...
Pablo had some hearing tests done at the hospital the other day and his left ear is below normal in all the tests they ran. His right ear is fine. Sight tests in the near future...
I recently took Pablo to see the same surgeon that had taken out his previous pilonidal cyst and like last time, he put Pablo on antibiotics for three weeks and the surgery will follow soon after that. Of course, we have yet to be given a surgery date. This Tuesday, Pablo has an appointment with this surgeon again. If we're lucky, we'll have more info on the surgery.
Also on Tuesday, I have to take Pablo to an appointment with his neurologist. Pablo had an EEG and an MRI of his head done last week so hopefully the neurologist will have the results and have answers to Pablo's seizures and the crappy way he's been feeling lately.
Now for some kid news.
Isabella started soccer a couple weeks ago. It's one hour a week. She's had two practices and so far they have not gone well. She is really good at following the drills and she shows alot of skill but as soon as they start playing a game, she starts crying because no one is passing her the ball. We've tried to explain that no one quite understands the whole passing thing yet since her team is made up of 5 and 6 year olds but she still gets upset. I'm hoping she gets over this real quick so she can get the most out of these practices...and it goes till April...
Simon has had three in-home visits so far with Donna from OCTC (Ottawa Children's Treatment Centre). She is absolutely fantastic with Simon and we've learned so much from her visits on how to get Simon talking more and improving his vocabulary. Next on the list for Simon is full on potty training. We've been avoiding it and we can't put it off much longer. I have a feeling it isn't going to be very hard to do. Simon is a very easy going kid.
The kids are super excited for Christmas. Simon can sing Jingle Bells and freaks out with excitement every time we are out at night and he sees Christmas lights. We took the kids to a Santa Claus parade and they loved it - especially seeing Santa at the end.
The other day, Pablo helped Isabella write her letter to Santa. Isabella wrote the red part, Pablo the green (if it wasn't obvious...)
Pablo hasn't been able to drive for the last couple of weeks and that has been hard on us since I've had to take time off work to help get Pablo to his appointments. Thankfully my parents have been helping out alot with watching the kids and helping to drive Pablo around. Not sure when he'll get his license back...
Pablo had some hearing tests done at the hospital the other day and his left ear is below normal in all the tests they ran. His right ear is fine. Sight tests in the near future...
I recently took Pablo to see the same surgeon that had taken out his previous pilonidal cyst and like last time, he put Pablo on antibiotics for three weeks and the surgery will follow soon after that. Of course, we have yet to be given a surgery date. This Tuesday, Pablo has an appointment with this surgeon again. If we're lucky, we'll have more info on the surgery.
Also on Tuesday, I have to take Pablo to an appointment with his neurologist. Pablo had an EEG and an MRI of his head done last week so hopefully the neurologist will have the results and have answers to Pablo's seizures and the crappy way he's been feeling lately.
Now for some kid news.
Isabella started soccer a couple weeks ago. It's one hour a week. She's had two practices and so far they have not gone well. She is really good at following the drills and she shows alot of skill but as soon as they start playing a game, she starts crying because no one is passing her the ball. We've tried to explain that no one quite understands the whole passing thing yet since her team is made up of 5 and 6 year olds but she still gets upset. I'm hoping she gets over this real quick so she can get the most out of these practices...and it goes till April...
Simon has had three in-home visits so far with Donna from OCTC (Ottawa Children's Treatment Centre). She is absolutely fantastic with Simon and we've learned so much from her visits on how to get Simon talking more and improving his vocabulary. Next on the list for Simon is full on potty training. We've been avoiding it and we can't put it off much longer. I have a feeling it isn't going to be very hard to do. Simon is a very easy going kid.
The kids are super excited for Christmas. Simon can sing Jingle Bells and freaks out with excitement every time we are out at night and he sees Christmas lights. We took the kids to a Santa Claus parade and they loved it - especially seeing Santa at the end.
The other day, Pablo helped Isabella write her letter to Santa. Isabella wrote the red part, Pablo the green (if it wasn't obvious...)

A big thank you Julia for the blog post, I feel very special today and will walk around with a smile on my dial all day. The Santa letter bought a tear to my eye. I admire your courage and strength and your willpower you show in continuing to make each day of your family life a beautiful experience. x
ReplyDeleteI hope everything comes back ok with Pablo's test and you guys get some answers.
ReplyDeleteThat's so funny about Isabella!
I hope all the tests come back clear and everything else gets cleared up quickly.
ReplyDeleteKids are fantastic, they're always full of surprises! That's what makes them so wonderful! :P
Roberta - you are very welcome for the post - my thank you for taking an ad here. Thank you for your kind words too! I'm touched and you've made my day.
ReplyDeleteHollie - tonight I will post the latest. And here's to hoping for no crying at soccer this week!!!!!!!
Morgan - thanks! I am so thankful for our kids and the joy they bring - especially when we're having crappy days. Wonderful they are for sure!!!
TOYS OF ALL KINDS. I freaking love it. She's an open-minded kid!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to hear about all the Pablo worries. I hope the tests help to figure stuff out. Hugs.
She sure is.
ReplyDeleteRight now we have to wait and see what the back surgery will fix - hopefully some of the under the weather that Pablo's been feeling.
OH YEAH. I almost forgot - Isabella had a soccer game on Saturday and there was hardly any crying (just for 30 seconds cause someone tripped her and she hurt her knees on the gym floor).