
Simon - 11 months old

Lots of changes this month - the biggest change is Simon's mobility. The boy can crawl at lightning speeds. This means him and his sister wrestle alot and annoy the crap out of each other. I spend a good part of my day breaking up fights. Good times. Simon is getting so big I can't get over it. It is a big struggle to hold him to rock him to sleep which is very sad for me. Just noticed this morning that his seventh tooth has come through (on the bottom). He is still such a good kid and can light up any room he is in with his smile. Love ya, my boy!

In the next set of pictures, Isabella had fallen asleep on the couch and needed to be woken up. I put Simon on her while I snapped all the photos and she stayed fast asleep.


  1. those pics are hilarious. kind of nice to see simon bugging isabella instead of the other way around, but then she's asleep so doesn't quite have the same effect.

  2. lol wicked mama! :o) they look so alike!



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