
In plain sight...

The technicians of Pablo's TomoTherapy machine (radiation) told him that he could bring in some stickers to put inside the machine so that he had something to look at while he was getting his treatment. Pablo and Isabella picked out a fairy sticker and one that said 'Booo' (for her nickname of course). The Dora sticker was already in there (they bring kids from the children's hospital next door for TomoTherapy treatment).


  1. Hey Jul, reading all your blogs, just was busy to reply. Sorry about everythin you, guys, went through again, such a shame! I'll send you email today...
    Love, Ella.

  2. Very sweet! And maybe Simon snuck in there and stuck that Dora sticker up there. You know how much he loves her!

  3. Ella! Love ya!

    Collette - see latest post...unreal!!!!



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