
instagram saturday

our bedroom
half of our living room // view into the house from the front door
another freaking snowstorm // a messy kitchen on a typical Sunday
my tattoo in memory of my grandmother // Isabella with blown dry hair (doesn't happen often)
both kids napping after school (a rare thing)
me at work
more of me at work
I made chicken spring rolls! // marinated flank steak dinner
a snow owl on our neighbours roof!!!! // Simon waiting for the school bus
MY PARENTS ARE BACK!!! (they were in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico for 10 weeks - can you tell ?!?!)


  1. Wow, I love your place. And the snowy owl, I can't believe it! I would love to see one! Well, here in Paris it is the opposite: a whole winter without a sowflake (depressing too, the weather was bad anyway), but Saturday was sunny and we played on the terrace in our tees, had a BBQ and the kids even played with water, oh what a great feeling, I hope you can experience it very soon!! (Well, but the weather might be super cold again next week, as always when we think that spring has finally arrived).

    1. Thanks Lor! I can't freaking wait for BBQ weather and not having to wear jackets. It is supposed to gradually get warmer this week and hopefully all the snow will melt by the weekend. I'm so excited!



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