
And off she went...

Today was a huge day. We walked Isabella down the street to the bus stop. She got on the bus for the first time and off she went to her first day of school. And that is when I started to cry. I miss her already and she's only been gone half an hour. I can't wait to pick her up at the bus stop in a few hours...

Pablo and his little girl heading to the bus stop

Do you think Simon will miss her?

The crown she is wearing was her first homework assignment. All JK kids wear one on their first day so that they stand out as newbies.
Gosh she's cute

Such a big girl and we're so proud of her

I hope she has a good first day 
The proud papa

Proud mama trying to stay calm

She followed the other kids up the steps with no hesitation - YAY!

And one last goodbye!

Hard to see but she is sitting next to the kid at the window.
Have a fantastic first day of school Isabella!!!!!! Love, mom, dad and simon


  1. she's so cute! love her backpack also

  2. i went to mom and dads this afternoon to hear first hand all about the big girls first day at school!

  3. how sweet jen! (what with all that free time you have now...)

  4. Love this post!!! Hope your days get easier, I'll be going through this next year :)

  5. AWWWWW!! She's so cute ... and so brave ... Her Mommy and Daddy are brave, too.

    I'd be layin' in the street ... making a puddle and pounding the pavement.

    Thanks for sharing such a wonderful moment, Julie+Pablo.

    BIG HUGS (and love).


  6. Oh adorable pics! But she looks so old!!!! :-( Poor mommy. The bus would be what would really do it for me. She looks so totally adorable though. Did she just love it?

  7. Thanks guys! It is getting easier - today being day 2. She really loves school which is thrilling to me. When she got home last Thursday from school she asked when she's going back. I hope she is always excited to go.

    She really does look old!...probably since she is the size of most 6-7 year olds.



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