
The long day we had

Pablo and I left the house this morning at 8:30 and headed to Pablo's first appointment of the day - with the surgeon for his pilonidal cyst. The surgeon agreed that the cyst is getting worse and requires surgery as soon as he can find a surgery time. He even told Pablo that he'll add the surgery onto the end of one of his surgery days or he'll bump someone to fit Pablo in. He says surgery will be before Christmas. The sooner, the better.

After that appointment, Pablo and I stayed in that end of town and went for breakfast since his next appointment with his neurologist was a block away from the surgeon's office. His neurologist was an hour behind schedule. Gotta love all the waiting. We're used to it.

The neurologist had a look at the newest MRI and luckily, it showed nothing serious, just some fluid buildup where the tumour had resided and a small cyst on his right frontal lobe. Both nothing to worry about. He did not have the EEG results but hopefully they will get to him at some point. Pablo's recent seizures were most likely caused by too much Nortryptaline which was counter acting with the Valproic acid - the anti-seizure medication. Doses have been fixed so hopefully there will be no more seizure occurrences and maybe Pablo can get his license back. Pablo has been having lots of dizzy and disorientation spells recently along with lots of upset stomachs and vomiting. The neurologist thinks that this could be due to the poisons of the pilonidal cyst. He is hoping that after the cyst is dealt with, Pablo will feel better overall.

We finally got home at around 2:30 and we were exhausted. We hung out with the kids, I made dinner and then the kids and I put together our traditional gingerbread house (from a kit - the same one as last year). I had promised Isabella we would do it tonight. Last weekend, I found a train gingerbread kit at the grocery store that I had to buy for Simon so tomorrow night we will put that together.

Besides an in home visit for Simon on Thursday for his speech, I think that's it for appointments...for this week anyway....off to bed for all of us.


  1. What a day! Glad there's nothing serious wrong and good luck to Pablo for the surgery!

  2. Ay-yi-yi! I hope the surgery gets scheduled soon and that it clears all this stuff up!

    I've been missing (wait, you didn't notice?????). Gabe was sick for about a week, nothing serious but lots of coughing and clinging to momma. I was sick for a few days with a cold, Joe's mom came, Thanksgiving, Joe got his wisdom teeth out and then passed out and cracked his head and his ass in the bathroom (he says his ass hurts way more than the teeth ever did!), appointments every day this week, Joe's meetings 2 nights, sick again Friday and out all day today! Joy! But here I am! Sending virtual hugs.

  3. Still no word on the surgery. And holy crap did you ever have a lot of comment catching up to do!!! I'm sorry to hear about all that stuff going on at your place! Sounds a lot like here. I hope Joe's ass is feeling better! LOL! Poor guy!

    We've all been sick for about a week. I think I got it the worst. I still sound horrible and this is day 7. Bleh. It's so tiring.

    Hope you guys had a nice Thanksgiving! I've missed ya. :)

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